Patenting a New Invention

Inventing a groundbreaking product or idea can unlock numerous opportunities and lead to professional accomplishments. Make sure your hard work and innovative concept are rewarded and protected by following the right path towards patenting it. Let’s see how to get started with patenting an invention idea?

Document Your Invention Thoroughly

To begin, document every aspect of your invention, such as its functionality, appearance, and potential applications. Maintaining an inventor’s journal or notebook, dated and signed by witnesses, can serve as evidence for the invention’s timeline. Remember to detail ideas for improvements and modifications, as this can help demonstrate the development process in case of any future disputes.

Assess Your Invention’s Commercial Viability

Before diving headfirst into the patenting process, evaluate the potential market for your invention. Investigate existing competition and assess the demand for similar products. Ask yourself if your invention solves a significant problem, if it can be produced cost-effectively, and whether it offers advantages over existing alternatives. This evaluation can ensure that the resources invested in patenting are truly worthwhile.

Perform a Patent Search

Next, conduct a thorough patent search to determine your invention’s novelty and whether similar patents already exist. This can help avoid potential patent conflicts and ensure your invention meets the unique criteria required by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Utilize online databases, like the USPTO’s patent database, Google Patents, or the European Patent Office’s Espacenet to search for existing patents.

Create a Prototype

Once your idea’s novelty is established, work on creating a prototype (either physical or digital). A prototype enables you to test the functionality, design, and production process, while also providing potential investors, licensees, and the patent office with a clear visual representation of your invention. Fine-tuning the prototype may also uncover new ideas for improvement or additional features.

Determine the Type of Patent Protection Needed

There are three primary types of patents: utility, design, and plant patents. Utility patents protect functional inventions and processes, design patents safeguard unique product designs, and plant patents protect new plant varieties. Ensure that you pursue the correct type of patent for your invention.

File Your Patent Application

Prepare and file either a Provisional Patent Application (PPA) or a Non-Provisional Patent Application (NPA) with the USPTO. A PPA allows you to claim “patent pending” status for one year, buying time to assess market potential, fine-tune the invention, or secure funding. After one year, you must file a non-provisional application to pursue an issued patent.

Opting for an NPA immediately starts the examination process towards a granted patent. However, it generally requires more time, resources, and comprehensive documentation compared to a PPA.

Monitor the Examination Process

After submission, the USPTO assigns a Patent Examiner to evaluate your application for legal and technical soundness. This phase may involve ongoing correspondence with the patent office, as well as overcoming possible rejections or objections. Collaborate with a patent attorney or agency, such as InventHelp, to create a resilient response. Once your application has met the criteria, a patent will be granted and published, providing exclusive rights to your invention for 20 years.

Now that you know how to patent a new invention and how to have a patent granted, you can more confidently move forward with your idea. If you have any questions about the process or want assistance filing a patent, InventHelp can help.


In conclusion, the road to patenting a new invention can be intricate and time-consuming, demanding meticulous planning and persistence. However, securing a patent for your invention paves the way for long-term success and protection of your innovative contribution to the world.

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