Fruits & Veggies for Guinea Pig

I cannot stress enough how important it is to have fresh fruits and vegetables for your guinea pig DAILY. They help provide nutrients such as Vitamin C in addition to pellets and hay and they are also an amazing treat. My guineas squeak with delight every time I open the refrigerator door and they here a bag rustle. Fruits and vegetables are also a great way to reward your guinea pig and teaching them tricks.

It is 100 times more important to know what fruits and what vegetables you can feed your guinea pig. All fruits and veggies are not made equal!!! Some can be dangerous and poisonous to your pet and others just contain little or no nutritional value. Because of this I have made a quick and easy list of vegetables that are guinea pig safe and nutritionally sound.


Carrots – My guinea pigs Rascal and Alvin absolutely love carrots. I find it cheaper to buy a bag of whole carrots and break them up rather than buying baby carrots.

Lettuce – Romaine lettuce is a great alternative to iceberg lettuce that is high in nitrates and is nutritionally safe. I give my guinea pigs each a leaf a day. They love it!!!

Green/Red/Yellow/Orange bell peppers – 1/8 pepper sliced per guinea pig. Green and Yellow can be fed daily. Red bell peppers are high and sugar and should only be given once a week

Swiss Chard – Feed a large leaf 3-4 times a week. Very nutritional for Guinea Pigs

Radicchio – Feed them a leaf or two every couple of days.

Endive – Feed a large leaf 3-4 times a week.

Cilantro and Parsley – Good and Safe. Most responsible guinea pig owners feed 2 spigs about every other day

Parsley – Feeding twice a week will be perfect

Green Beans – One pod per pig twice a week will be good

Peas – One or two pods twice a week

Kale – Many Owners feed their guineas a couple leaves a week. This can cause gas so use sparingly if at all. Avoid all together if you piggies have had bad gas problems. What about celery, is celery safe for guinea pigs? Yes it is, but with moderation.


Zucchini – Perfectly fine for guineas and they enjoy the skins as well! My two boys share a whole one a week.(portioned off of course)

Tomatoes – one cherry or two grape tomatoes are fine per pig per day.

Strawberries – My guinea pigs enjoy a strawberry a couple times a week. It’s not their favorite but they’ll eat it. They usually eat the leaves on the top and leave most of the fruit behind.

Berries – Gooseberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, etc. All okay in small quantities. I give each of my Guinea some type of berry every morning. They enjoy some over others.

Oranges – Oranges are an amazing source of Vitamin C! The problem is that citrus fruit can leave sores in a guinea pigs mouth. So try feeding each pig one small slice a day or every other day. They will generally eat the fruit and leave the peel.

Squash – Also good for guinea pigs. I buy one small squash a week.

Watermelon – My Rascal loves watermelon. It’s perfectly fine for him. He can even eat the rind! The only downfall is that it stains his white hair red for the day…

Apples – Very high in sugar. I might give my guineas a slice a week. But they aren’t too crazy about them.

Melons – Rascal just loves his melons! They are high in sugar so I only give him some twice a week.

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