Why You Might Need an Apostille

If you are involved in international business transactions, you may find that you will need documents to be verified by an apostille in San Antonio. An apostille is an internationally-recognized seal of approval ‘ it certifies that the document you have is a true copy of the original document.

For example, you may need an apostille in San Antonio if you are attempting to open a Swiss bank account. In this case, you are opening the account by mail, so the Swiss bank will not be able to see and verify the original copy of your passport, which is needed to open the account.

Do You Need An Apostille in San Antonio?

While some banks may honor the copy if it is verified by a notary, many banks will not. Instead, they will require an apostille on the document. Any time an official document needs to be copied and sent to a different country, an apostille is needed. This is the case for international marriages or adoptions, as well as simple contracts.

Apostille in San Antonio Services For Contracts

The apostille does not verify the content of the document – rather, it simply verifies that the document is an exact copy of the original.

Especially when you are dealing with international contracts, it is important to obtain an apostille on the documents that you are working with. You may contact a notary or a legal firm to find someone to apply for a San Antonio apostille. It is imperative that you legalize every copy of your documents when dealing with international contracts. This will ensure smooth operations when dealing with another country and their legal system.

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